11 July 2024 - "Proactive Streaming Analytics at Scale: A Journey from the State-of-the-art to a Production Platform" by Dr. Nikos Giatrakos

11 July 2024, Short course, 5th ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science in Athens


Dr. Nikos Giatrakos
Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete and a member of the Software Technology and Network Applications Lab (Soft Net).



11 July 2024, 5th ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science, at the Panorama Hall of the Royal Olympic Hotel in Athens



Proactive Streaming Analytics at Scale: A Journey from the State-of-the-art to a Production Platform



Proactive streaming analytics continuously extract real-time business value from massive data that stream in data centers or clouds. This requires (a) to process the data while they are still in motion; (b) to scale the processing to multiple machines, often over various, dispersed computer clusters, with diverse Big Data technologies; and (c) to forecast complex business events for proactive decision-making. Combining the necessary facilities for proactive streaming analytics at scale entails: (I) deep knowledge of the relevant state-of-the-art, (II) cherry-picking cutting edge research outcomes based on desired features and with the prospect of building interoperable components, and (III) building components and deploying them into a holistic architecture within a real-world platform. In this tutorial, we drive the audience through the whole journey from (I) to (III), delivering cutting edge research into a commercial analytics platform, for which we provide a hands-on/demo experience.


Applications are submitted on the online platform of the program.


For more information, you may visit the 5th ACM Europe Summer School website.